
miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

New technology improves Google Translate's accuracy

Starting today, the Google Translate app will offer more accurate translations from English to eight other languages thanks to a new technology. Neural Machine Translation allows entire sentences to be translated at once instead of the current one word at a time. The new technology will work on text being translated to and from English in eight different languages, making up approximately 35% of texts that are currently run through the app.

By translating whole sentences at a time, the Neural Machine Translation allows grammar to become a part of the translation process. This should improve the accuracy of the translations received by the app's users. And over time, the technology even improves its ability to translate sentences.

Considered the biggest improvement to Google Translate in the last decade, the Neural Machine Translation will cover texts translated to and from English in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Turkish. Google's goal is to eventually expand the use of the new technology to the 100+ languages that work with the Google Translate app.

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