Samsung is about to make parents feel more relieved about giving their kids a Samsung Galaxy handset to use. According to a report published on Tuesday, a new app featuring parental controls will be released by the manufacturer. Called "Family Care," it will be available in the Google Play Store and will allow parents to block certain apps from being installed on their kids' phones.
Parents can receive requests from their children to approve the installation of certain apps, and the request can be approved or denied. Requests can also be made for music and other content. The app will also give mom and dad the ability to set time limitations on their kids' usage of the Samsung Galaxy handsets they were given. Time limits can also be set for individual apps.
The report added that with the "Family Care" app, parents will be able to send notifications and reminders to the Samsung Galaxy phones used by their sons and daughters. And children will be able to send "pick-up requests" to their parents, who presumably will be sent a notification on their own Samsung Galaxy handset. The app is said to use a card-based interface.
The "Family Care" app will also let parents see how long their offspring are using their Samsung Galaxy handsets. Any updates available for Junior's phone will show up on the app. It is not yet known when the "Family Care" app will be available, but for now there are other apps available in the Google Play Store that will do some of the same things. Highly rated apps include WebWatcher Parental Monitoring and the MMGuardian Parent App.
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